Monday, June 09, 2008

Birthday Beauty!

Saturday was Addy's birthday. She turned 6. Unbelievable. It seems just yesterday we were visiting her when she was 2 months old and she and Grandpa were reading together.

She is one of the greatest joys of my life!! I love doing things for her and with her. She is very smart (even if I do say so myself) and very pretty (likewise).

She invited several friends to go see Kung Fu Panda and so, of course, Nana made her a Panda cake. I used to make these for her mom when she was little (also seems like yesterday....ok....maybe the day before yesterday).

Addy wanted to dress up like movie stars to go to the movie, so I made little sparkly belts for her and her friends--forgot to take a picture of that. I'll try to do that later. Her mom got her a pink boa, and sprayed her hair pink. She was *stunning*. *grin*


I made her "A Year In The Life Of" book that chronicled her last year. I will get it back and scan some of it and post it later. For only starting it a couple days before her birthday, I was very pleased with how it turned out.

Please keep this little one in your prayers. As I said, she is VERY smart and has put it together in her mind that the tornado killed her uncle and aunt. So now when the storms come, she is hysterical. My heart breaks for her. She is too young to be able to rationalize through this. Some of the rest of us have trouble as well! But in her own words, "I am TOO YOUNG to go through this!!"

I have not posted about the loss of Jayme's brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Although I knew Gary and he had been in our home a couple of times, I didn't know him well. I had never met Kim. But I know that they were very very very precious people to people that I love and care deeply for. It hurts to not be able to ease their grief. Especially my sweet sweet Jayme. It breaks my heart to see her hurt so. I wish I knew how to share in it with her. For now, I will hug her when I can....and hold her in my heart and my prayers always.


Corry said...

Happy belated Birtday, Addy!!

What a beauty! Yes, the cake too :-)

Sorry for y'all loss and we will remind the little one and everyone involved in our prayers.

God's Grace.

Chelf said...

Jayme did an excellent job on the party for Addy. I saw her post with pictures, too.

I think (tho my opinion may not mean much yet) that J is working through this quite well. She has a great cloud of friends and family who love her, and she is making progress. I feel for both J and A in dealing with the sadness and fears that come so unexpectedly.

I pray for them a lot these days.

That Panda cake is so very cool!