Friday, May 27, 2005

320 vs. 896

We just returned from my nephew's high school graduation. He was in the top 10% of his class of 896. The ceremony took place in the new Reliant Stadium. A very impressive place. At least 2 other area high school graduation ceremonies took place there today. His graduation was to take place a 8:00 p.m. We left the house at 5:30 to be there on time. There was a "booklet" of instructions on how to get there, where to park, what door to go in, where to sit, what door to go out, and how to leave. A DVD of the ceremony could be purchased. The students did not really receive their diploma's--only a scroll of paper. They are to collect their diploma next week (if they have no outstanding obligations).

This was a far cry from my own HS graduation in the seventies. I graduated in the top 10% of my class of 320. We left our house 30 minutes ahead of time to be there on time. It didn't matter where we parked, what door we went in, where our family sat, or where or how we left. Parents and families took their own pictures. We really did receive our diplomas. (Some were not signed).

However, many things remained the same. The same music was played at both ceremonies. Pomp & Cirumstance (it just took many more repitions to get all 896 of them marched in). There were student speakers at both events. The names of all the graduates were read and the students marched across the stage. The graduates tossed their caps into the air at the end of the ceremony.

And proud parents and family members cheered for their graduate. Pride and love was in abundance.

It's good that some things remain the same.

I'm proud of my nephew. He has a great future ahead of him.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Daniel and Addy love to swing.

Our neighbors next door had a wonderful swing set they wanted to sell.

We bought it. But we were a little slow in getting it moved.

Grandpa (Emerson) took Addy and Daniel next door to go swing since we hadn't gotten it moved yet. He discussed with them how they should never go next door (in the country, next door is QUITE a ways!) without an adult.

But the temptation was tooooooo great. Daniel (almost 5) wandered over in the afternoon. MaryLou (our next door neighbor) called and asked if we knew Daniel was over swinging. We thought he was downstairs with his brother and Addy. Grandpa went to get him. And sternly lectured him all the way home and then made him sit in a chair until he told him he could get down. (After about 10 minutes he was fast asleep!)

Next is was Addy (almost 3). MaryLou said Addy told her she was looking for her cousins (hoping they were swinging???). When we missed Addy, of course all sorts of terrible things go through your head--we have several bodies of water on our place. So we were outside calling her name....and here came MaryLou carrying her back home.

The swingset was moved the next day. :o)

Swinging, in and of itself, is not bad. Neither are many of the things that tempt us in this old world. But they draw us away from home. It is so easy to become distracted and pulled away. Even though some things we are pulled away by are not evil, we tend to leave God out. Unlike us (we didn't know where Addy & Daniel were), God always knows where we are. But like us, He is always thrilled when we return home, when we remember Him, when we engage Him in conversation.

Next time I sit down to swing in our porch swing, I think I'll have a conversation with Him!!

Grace to you and all kinds of peace in believing!

Monday, May 23, 2005


Sure signs of summertime: (These are a few of my favorite things--especially the first two--ok, well, maybe all of them!!)

Frogs singing in the evening
Lightning bugs, fireflys
Crickets chirping (only a good thing if they're OUTSIDE!)
Family get-togethers and dinner on the deck
Sweet, sweaty, sandy children
The cover is off the pool
Relaxing in the hot tub after a long day in the garden
Beautiful sunsets
Little blonde heads getting even blonder
Tan lines (ok, right now their sunburn lines)
Thunderstorms (God sits as King above them!)
The smell of fresh-cut grass
Ice water, ice tea, ice lemonade, ice anything!
Green, green, green!
Sweet bird-song in the air (ok, there was that one pesky one that started before daylight)
The gurgling sound of the garden pond
The flicker of goldfish in the water
Rare quiet moments sitting in the shade with Emerson
Goldfinches--back to being gold

I'm so glad God gave us the seasons. Another reminder that life circumstances will eventually turn in season as well. But there is always one constant, never changing, never failing thing--God is faithful!!

I think I might just go listen to Vivaldi!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Peace, Perfect Peace

This is in response to a new friend, Mike Hall, and his blog, Seek God Now.

"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thought are fixed on you!" Is. 26:3

"The song, "Peace, Perfect Peace" was written by Edward Henry Bickersteth under unusual circumstances. He was visiting his aged relative, Archdeacon Hill of Liverpool, who was sick unto death and his mind greatly clouded. Eager to comfort him, the Bishop read to him the text from Isaiah, and then in a few minutes at the bedside composed this hymn and read it to the dying man......The questions form a series of challenges to our faith: in each case Jesus is the key that resolves the dilemma." Quoted from the book "The Gospel in Hymns:
Backgrounds and Interpretations" by Albert Edward Bailey copyright 1950.

Here are the words:

"Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.

Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed?
To do the will of Jesus--this is rest.

Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round?
On Jesus bosom naught but calm is found.

Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away?
In Jesus keeping we are safe, and they.

Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown?
Jesus we know, and he is on the throne.

It is enough; earth's struggles soon shall cease,
And Jesus call us to heav'n's perfect peace."

Mike, may you continue to be blessed and find all kinds of peace in believing!!