Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On the Road AGAIN!

Finally the second piece is finished. Other than showing it to my DH, no one else has seen it--so I'm sharing it with all of you next!! This piece is also done on a 16x20 canvas covered by fabric. It is called "Precious in His Sight". The figures on each of the playing cards represents a child of a different race and class. I had a blast "styling" each child's hair! Jayleigh, there's even a copper curly head, just like you!! In fact, Jayleigh, I thought of you often while I was putting this one together.

The King, of course, represents our Heavenly Father, who with his huge "heart" loves all his children equally.

Perhaps it is unnecessary to point out the following (but I shall anyway!):

The four quadrants are red, yellow, black, and white.

The four rows are red, yellow, black, and white.

In each row, the "triangle" of paper on the cards is a variant of the color of the first card in the row.

I reserved the last row (higher ranking cards) for the "white" row because many whites "think" they are superior. But at the foot of the cross, in the shadow of His love, we are all truly equal. Each child is precious and worth more than all the treasure on earth.

You, dear friend, are precious in His sight!

Here are a few more pictures to show some of the details.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

On the Road

No, it's not quite what you think. We really are at home. At least for a while.

I told you about the art explosion thing goin' on with me. Well...for several months I've been picking up road trash. You know, old metal bottle caps, wire, pieces of tire tread, etc.

And it has been in bags. or boxes. or piles.

Last week some of it got together in my brain. And I really like the way it turned out. It is done on a 16x20 canvas covered in fabric. So here it is:
I took it to church Wednesday night. It was interesting to see who "got it" and who didn't. Most men laughed. Although a few "got it".
Some women didn't get it either. At least they didn't laugh--they just said "Oh. That's nice."
But the ones who "got it" really liked it. So mostly I am encouraged. Because the picture is small compared to its actual size, it loses some of the detail. Those are wheel weights on the edges of the picture of the earth. The scripture on the card that goes in the pocket is John 3:16.
To those of you who "get it" I hope it brings a blessing to you.
Piece number 2 is already in the works.