Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Road Revival

Artist Statement: Bring me your rusted, your throw aways, your "what the heck is this thing," your "oh this is trash now," your "I have to dump this stuff," your broken, your older than dirt and I will make it into a piece of art that you will be amazed with. I will work my magic on your junk and turn it into art that you could never find anywhere else. And isn't this just what our Heavenly Father does for us...He takes us where He finds us--cast off, worn out, dirty, and broken, and He cleans us up and molds and shapes us into something beautiful and useful. He takes the ordinary and turns us into the extraordinary. He brings new life to us. So as a reflection of His love for us, I bring to you my "Road Revival Art".

The first set of pictures added here are of a piece called Elijah and the Raven. The raven is made out of tire tread and the insides of the wraps for hot coffee cups. Elijah is made from an old piece of rope, a twisted piece of metal, and "something" with a grid on it for his face. I stamped an image of a man's face on this "something", but it doesn't show well in the picture. The raven is bringing "food" to Elijah--these are "beads" that I made out of scraps of paper. The word definitions in the bottom left corner are adhered to skeleton leaves--which also don't show well in the photo. Hopefully, you get idea, even though the photo does not do the piece justice.

I seem to be having difficulty uploading pictures right now so will try more later.


Unknown said...

Joyce, I LOVE your work!! Thanks for sharing it with me... I've subscribed to your blog so I won't miss anything! We really do need to drop everything and get together soon. Love from Sharon

Jenny said...

Joyce, this is so cool. I love your "take" on things. Your imagination is tremendous... I sit here wondering how you come up with using rope for legs, and a hot coffee cup part for the raven. It's just so cool!

So, is your home going to be decorated with all of these lovely pieces, or are you planning to give them other homes?