Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Turkey Moments

The fishing trip was a GREAT success. We dressed out over 100 fish. We caught mostly stripers (some up to 24") and a few catfish and sandbass. The lake was beautiful. It was really nice to get away from all the regular everyday stuff and be with good friends and enjoy this wonderful world God has made for us.

We got home about 5:30 p.m. yesterday. One of the things I did last night was to go through and read the regular blogs that I always read. It was fun to read them and catch up!

This morning, very early, before I went to work, I looked out our back door and saw a Tom turkey and three hen turkeys. It was such fun to watch them saunter along looking for bugs to eat. The Tom was huge. I grabbed my binoculars to get a better look. (I keep them on top of the fridge next to the back door for just such opportunities.) I was hoping to get a good look at him before he went behind the shed. He turned toward me for just a brief moment, and I got to see his beard--it was so long it nearly hung to the ground! I was excited to get such a good glimpse of him. And then! He turned around with his back to me, and just before he went behind the shed, he fanned out his feathers! Wow! I was so excited I could hardly contain myself!! It was tempting to go wake up my husband, but since he had done all the driving the day before, I refrained.

I ran to the front room to see if I could see the turkeys coming around the other side of the shed. Sure enough, there they were. I watched until they went out of sight behind some brush. It was worth giving up a few minutes of my morning and having to hurry through what was already a quick breakfast, to see those turkeys strutting through our yard.

I 'm sure God watches us like that. He watches us going about our own daily routines, and He is fascinated. We don't even realize that He's watching. And once in a while, we do something really good, and we "fan out our feathers" for Him--still not knowing He is watching. But He is so thrilled! I'm sure he must be calling all the angels over--"Look! See what she's doing! I made her, she belongs to me!"

I pray that each day, I do more and more things that please my Father.

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