Thursday, February 21, 2008

Horizon card collection

As promised, here are the pictures of the cards I created after watching the wonder of God's new day. The first is the original which shows the sunrise as I watched it. The rest are from other pictures in my mind of the view out my kitchen window. I created these with inks (direct to paper) and then stamped the tree images over the ink. This is a new process to me and I find it fascinating and wonderful to use. I am pleased with the results. And with such wonderful inspiration from what God has created...well, it just comes together well.

Surely you've heard about the little boy riding in a car with his dad, admiring the sunset:

Dad: Son, isn't that a beautiful sunset?

Son: Uh-huh, it is.


Son: And to think God did that left-handed!

Dad: What?

Son: God painted that left-handed.

(Dad considers this for awhile)

Dad: Why do you say He painted it left-handed?

Son: Well, the Bible tells us that Jesus is sitting on His right hand!


David Edward said...

hello, just checking up on you

Jayme said...

Hey! Those cards are awesome...and since I have the advantage on knowing what the view out your kitchen window looks like...I agree...its your view!


and I like your new picture!

Corry said...

The cards are wonderful! I love the colors and composition.

I am at the brink of trying out water color painting.

Your blog looks great too. Thanks for sharing the pic.

God's Grace.

Jenny said...

They are all beautiful... my favorite is the last.
