Emerson and I went to see "Firewall" last night. About half way through the movie we had the following conversation:
Me: (Whispering in E's ear) I don't need to go to the Y tomorrow.
E: Huh?
Me: I don't need to go to the Y tomorrow.
E: Why not?
Me: My heart rate has been up for the last hour!!
Talk about a thriller. Whooo. Good movie.
I'll try not to tell you to much, but have to share a little bit.
Harrison Ford plays the good guy (of course!) and his wife and family have been taken hostage by this really evil guy. Harrison battles this guy continually in order to protect his children. In one particular poignant scene, it occurred to me that Harrison (I'm so bad with stage names) had a lot more to fight for. He was fighting for his children. The other guy was simply fighting for money. The love for one's children gives far more strength than the love of money.
And then I thought, that's how it is with God and Satan. God is fighting for His children, Satan is just fighting for power and wealth. No wonder God is victorious!! From before the creation, He knew there would be a battle for His children--and He put in place a plan that could not be defeated. He loved us so very much that He gave up His only Son that we might be saved.
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26
Joyce, every single time I visit your blog, I am filled spiritually. You are such an encourager and your heart is pure. Your love of the Lord is so obvious and I want to thank you for sharing.
Jayleigh, Thanks, but I'm just another sinner trying to be more aware of God's presence in my life, and find the application of His word in my daily living.
**hugs** to you!
Joyce, thank you for your continual kind words on my blog. I appreciate you greatly.
that's really nice --
Another inspiring and encouraging post:-)
God's Grace.
isn't God amazing on how much He loves us so?
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